Password Preferences Survey


Thank you for your interest in participating in this research. Please read the information below before consenting to participate.

What is this research studying?

This study will help us learn how individuals create passwords and their preferences in selecting authentication systems.

What will I do if I participate?

In this study, you will be asked to answer a few demographic questions, respond to password and authentication behavior questions, create two random passwords, and state words you considered when creating the random passwords. Please do not use your passwords. There is a possibility that some of the questions and procedures may make you feel uncomfortable.

What are the benefits of participating in this research?

There are no anticipated benefits for your participation in this research.

What are the risks of participating in this research?

There are no anticipated risks for your participation in this research. We appreciate your time and effort with this research study.

Will I receive an incentive or compensation?

There are no financial incentives or compensations.

Can I quit if I become uncomfortable?

Yes, absolutely. Dr. Victor Sheng and Texas Tech University’s Institutional Review Board have reviewed this research project and believe you can participate comfortably. However, you can stop at any time for any reason. You will retain all the benefits of participating even if you stop. Participation is your choice. Your decision to participate or stop participating will not impact your relationship with Texas Tech University.

How long will participation take?

We are asking for 5 minutes of your time.

How are you protecting my privacy?

Your personal identifiers will not be linked to any materials in reports, publications, or presentations. No one other than the researchers associated with this project will have access to the raw data. All related documentation will be stored in a password-protected device.

What will happen to my data?

Your information collected as part of the research, even if identifiers are removed, will not be used or distributed for future research studies.

If you have any questions about this research, this study is being run by Dr. Victor Sheng and Afamefuna Umejiaku from the Department of Computer Science at Texas Tech University. If you have questions, you can contact Dr. Victor Sheng at 806-742-3527 or Texas Tech University also has an Institutional Review Board that protects the rights of people who participate in research. You can contact them at 806-742-2064 or You can also visit their website at

If you would like to continue with the survey, please fill the Demographics Information.